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Survey Roundtable
What is Survey Roundtable?
Is Survey Roundtable a new company?
What is an “SRT Profile” and what are “SRT Points”?
Can I join?
What is your registration process?
Why do you send a confirmation email?
I didn’t receive a confirmation email. Help!
What type of information is collected in the SRT Profile process?
How do I earn points for completing my SRT Profile?
What does it cost me to become a member?
Why should I become a member of the Survey Roundtable community?
Survey Participation
How do I participate in surveys?
What type of emails will I receive?
Why don’t I have any available surveys?
I answered so many questions and still did not qualify for the survey. Why?
How long do your surveys take?
How do I receive rewards?
There is an error with the survey. What should I do?
My Account & Profile
How do I change my email address?
How do I change my password? Or: I forgot my password. Help!
I don’t remember my username. Help!
How do I update my SRT Profile?
How do I unsubscribe?
Why do you need my personal data?
Where can I learn about the personal data you collect?
Points & Rewards
How do I earn SRT Points?
How do I redeem SRT Points?
What types of rewards can I redeem with my SRT Points?
Where can I find my SRT Points total?
What is the average survey reward?
How long does it take to receive my reward?
How will I receive my reward?
I didn’t receive my points for completing a survey. What happened?
Will my SRT Points ever expire?
Can I lose my SRT Points?
Contact Survey Roundtable
How can I contact you?
Privacy Policy
Terms & Conditions
Participant Bill of Rights
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